a network of folk schools
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Start A Folk School


start a folk school

Our communities are rich with lived experience and warm and friendly homes of all shapes and sizes. Put on a pot of tea, pull a few people together and you can host your first folk school class. We can help.

As our model grows we are being asked to provide more support for start ups all over the world. In order to be of assistance, we wrote a book! It is a collection of stories from LifeSchoolHouse Hosts, participants, facilitators and volunteers. These stories weave together in a very practical guide to help you get started with a folkschool for your own community. We offer these resources freely to those who are keen to get started hosting with LifeSchoolHouse - if you are sensing a readiness in your community please reach out (email: jennifer@lifeschoolhouse.com) and we will send you the password to access the full electronic copy of these resources. If you are able to support our work with a financial contribution in exchange for this download we suggest a donation of $15 which can be sent via etransfer when you request password access.

If you would like to receive a full color, printed copy of this book please sign up here

If you are curious and still learning more, take a moment to review our intro webinar or reach out to jennifer@lifeschoolhouse.com to connect and learn more about this project.